
A slow hot wind

It's time to talk about my own business.This blog was born only one month ago and hundreds of ddwatchers already come to visit it and read what I write (or I hope so...)
I'm very proud of myself and my *work*.
I'm very proud of all ddwatchers who care about Mr.Duchovny and are interested of a genuine kind of project like mine. So I wanna say hello to all ddwatchers (now my friends too) from USA,France,Spain,Canada,Hong Kong, UK,Mexico,Australia,Philippines -and at last but not the least - Italy, who drop by here.I'm sorry if I don't mention all the countries,but you have to trust me: we're becoming really many!
So -while a slow hot wind is blowing here and remind me of California and Hank Moody- I decide to widen my blog and work on a new section.
And from now on,if you are used to read these posts and turn often back to check the updates,I'll glad to read several comments from you...let me hear your voice ddwatchers!

The Secret trailer aka Si J’etais toi

The Perez’s last work - remake of japanese movie "Himitsu" (1999)-http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0211413/

is alarming . ..
This movie touches freudian complexes and atavistic taboo about the figures of father /daughter.
After seeing the trailer and reading the spoilers, I felt a mix of attraction and repulsion.
*Some* things -in my opinion- must necessarily remain unconscious.
Even if Mr. Duchovny could be fascinating, I’m scared the same…
Anyway,I wanna see the movie. And maybe I will like it.