
A slow hot wind

It's time to talk about my own business.This blog was born only one month ago and hundreds of ddwatchers already come to visit it and read what I write (or I hope so...)
I'm very proud of myself and my *work*.
I'm very proud of all ddwatchers who care about Mr.Duchovny and are interested of a genuine kind of project like mine. So I wanna say hello to all ddwatchers (now my friends too) from USA,France,Spain,Canada,Hong Kong, UK,Mexico,Australia,Philippines -and at last but not the least - Italy, who drop by here.I'm sorry if I don't mention all the countries,but you have to trust me: we're becoming really many!
So -while a slow hot wind is blowing here and remind me of California and Hank Moody- I decide to widen my blog and work on a new section.
And from now on,if you are used to read these posts and turn often back to check the updates,I'll glad to read several comments from you...let me hear your voice ddwatchers!

The Secret trailer aka Si J’etais toi

The Perez’s last work - remake of japanese movie "Himitsu" (1999)-http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0211413/

is alarming . ..
This movie touches freudian complexes and atavistic taboo about the figures of father /daughter.
After seeing the trailer and reading the spoilers, I felt a mix of attraction and repulsion.
*Some* things -in my opinion- must necessarily remain unconscious.
Even if Mr. Duchovny could be fascinating, I’m scared the same…
Anyway,I wanna see the movie. And maybe I will like it.


God hates us all…and I hope not!

I’m puzzled: why the novel called "God Hates Us All" can be a movie called "A Crazy Thing Called Love"??
A simple answer:because Hollywood takes part of it!
No,really …
The verbal game between "hate / love" is easy to explain…but I ask myself WHY God would have to hate all of us?
Maybe is not God but Father the real deal?
This is an answer that leads straight towards one of Hank’s problems: his role of father.
Does Hank feel his father hate him?Did He grow up without a paternal figure?
Now he mindful of that does not know to make the father?
Or is just a religious problem?
On the Pilot’s beginning,Hank talks whit God -searching an answer- therefore God has the answers of every human destiny,in Hank’s opinion finally.
I want to read the novel of Hank!
The title seems is chosen by a french existentialist philosopher!



Forum for Californication (future) fan fic

I've found this interesting forum: http://californication.myfandoms.com/index_californication.php

Thanks to Ringmaster for this great idea, I hope to read many ff as soon as possible!


The Copernican revolution:how I learned to love Hank Moody

Reading USA reviews seems like Mr. Duchovny -at this point of his career- couldn’t choose a better character than Hank Moody. Of course he had already shot love scenes,but now is an icon of POP culture to make it,not just a young actor at the beginnig of his career.

But I ask to myself: what kind of “effect” Hank Moody causes to a ddwatcher? If I see the Rodeo dr. pics I perfectly understand Hank isn’t real but only a character: David Duchovny is a great pro and it can perceive this when I look him next to Madeline Zima…but…however, when I see these pictures it's like I can hear the director screaming “action!” and he immediately becomes Hank. You could say: “what a surprise, he is an actor!”. But the point is: however the magic remains…
The female’s fan perturbation – a little feminist too – isn’t only due to explicit sex or to the naked vision of own idol, but especially to the meaning of Hank’s character.
He is womanizer -with a debatable life style- depressed and ipomaniac too. He isn’t no more Fox Mulder: a smart gentleman who looks always pretty good. I’m shocked by these new points of view proposing by the last Duchovny’s character, but at he same time I’m totally fascinated of him.
I’ve always thought the character of Tom in “Trust the man” movie was too similar to the real Mr. D. and because of this, he wasn’t too much interesting.
Bad behavior isn’t in choosing a related character but in making him likeable!
Likeable "villains" are yet existed in television culture, but it's hard to accept a male chauvinist hu?
Changes are always difficult;so... is it possible leave characters with a feminine kind of eroticism (I’m thinking of the one that it read in X Files’ Fanfics, in which it has an imagined and waited sex – often made in a delicate, soft way-) for taking a *macho*, a character provides with an almost pornographic erotism? How does female fan feel? Is she offense, satisfy or gratify?

David at Late Show tonight

ddwatcher equip yourself for the next Mr.Duchovny's sighting!This evening
he will be @David Letterman show Meanwhile have a look at this wonderful pic from Jimmy Kimmel


Californication day...The television critics and Californication:it’s true love.

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I read many articles about Californication and I’m happy to see what positive they are.
Some example.
Doug Elfman enjoys the sex lines that are original and funny:"Now, I'm sure you hear vagina jokes all the time, but how many of them stick to your ribs?"
In the opinion of Devin Gordon (Newsweek) David Duchovny have finally found his perfect role with Hank.
And by Matthew Gilbert(Globe Staff):"Long bottled-up on TV as Mulder on "The X-Files," Duchovny is finally free to get his decadence on, as well as his wry side..."
It seems that Californication will be a success,for David Duchovny and for Showtime.
Strange enough,the critics are very impressive about the character and the actor,even if they have seen only the Pilot.It’s a good sign.
I can have a relief sigh … For now!
I’m waiting for the entire series to read other good rewiews.


-1 to Cali...Hank vs.Fox

What if Hank Moody and Fox Mulder answer at the same questions?*

Q:Your first desire is…?
Hank: I really want to get back my family
Mulder: I really want to get back my sister
Q:Do you have a favorite drink?
Hank: I can't say no to anything…
Mulder: Orange juice... in a half - full bottle of vodka
Q:Where is the truth?
Hank: In myself and in my disastrous -for now - relationship.
Mulder:Out there!
Q:What's your preferred scent?
Hank:Eau de Pussy...
Mulder:I don’t know its name-but at Comity-I sniffled it in the air…
Q:Do you smoke?
Hank: Oh yeah baby...
Mulder: I stopped to consider the possibility to begin a smoker when I met Mr. Daryl Weaver
Q:East coast or West Coast?
Hank: West coast
Mulder: East coast
Q: Tell me an adjective that define yourself
Hank: Dirty
Mulder: Spooky
Q:Favorite movie?
Hank:[laughing] Crazy little thing called love
Mulder: Plan 9 From Outer Space
Q: Bed or couch: which you choose?
Hank: Round bed.On it it’s better...
Mulder:I’m so attached to my couch,but I don’t dislike water bed…
Q:Do you believe in what?
Hank:God hates us all
Mulder:I want to believe
Q:Define your bigger fixation.
Hank: Women
Mulder: Sunflower seeds
Q:Do you like sex?
Hank: It’s my problem!I’m enjoying it,but I'm realizing that probably my time could be spent better elsewhere
Mulder:Well...I’ll answer with a Woody Allen's famous quote:"Masturbation?It’s make sex with someone you love"
Q:Ok.I definitely assume you had casual sex,and you didn't know a lot about your partner. Anyway,the strangest girl you met was a...?
Q:When was the last time you had sex?
Hank: Two hours ago
Mulder: Next question?

*(Based on David Duchovny‘s interviews,Chris Carter & Tom Kapinos‘s scripts )



David Duchovny sighting 2

David Duchovny 's new migration!Tomorrow he will be at Jimmy Kimmel Show
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Domani DD al Jimmy Kimmel Show...


David Duchovny sighting

Tomorrow, 09th of August ,David Duchovny will be at Jay Leno show in LA.
DDwatchers waiting for pics. . . http://www.nbc.com/The_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno/
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Domani DD sarà al Jay Leno show,i DDwatchers attendono foto..


Happy B-day!

It's midnight.Maybe this blog isn't (yet) popular, maybe Mr.Duchovny will never read this message but... I ask myself: "Ehy!Who really cares?" For the moment,I'm the first (or almost so) who can wish him a wonderful b-day before he'll wake up as a 47 years old man.

Old?Dunno.But,anyway,what a man folks...

Uno dei vantaggi di svegliarsi prima di Mr.Duchovny è quello di potergli fare gli auguri di compleanno con almeno 6 ore di anticipo sui fan statunitensi. Se sei un ddwatcher saprai certamente che oggi lui compie 47 anni. Quello che forse non ti aspetterai di leggere è che secondo me -a differenza di quanto pensi molta gente- non è mai stato così professionalmente maturo e totalmente affascinante prima d'oggi;rughe comprese.

Vuoi vedere che tutte queste mele gli stanno facendo davvero bene?

Auguri Mr.D