
Mulder... postmodern hero

If a character manages to create a fan also the actor who play him…
That is real postmodern aesthetic!
Read this DDwatchers:
"When I played him I liked his courage and I liked his energy to get to the truth and to the quest and all of that and I think that at one point I'd learned a little from that, like a fan might. I was a fan of the guy."


Happy birthDDay ddwaching!

One year ago this blog was born with many hopes,projects and ideas to develop.

This has been an incredible year...So happy b-day to me and to all ddwatchers who love this place.

Keep watching folks...

I'm going to celebrate this day.And you?


About a sexy vomit

TV guide says the vomit scene,from Californication ep 'Hell-A-Women', makes they cringe:
Why this scene is not sexy?I don't understand...Really!In my opinion is truly hot!
First:I never seen before Mr.Duchovny vomiting...Halleluiah!
Second:in that moment...who cares?you are with Hank Moody!
Third:it is funny!!A new frontier for a new climax...
Fourth:the modern art is not all good.


David Duchovny on Emmy's top ten list

David Duchovny 's name confirmed on Emmy's 'for now seven' top list like best comedy actor,

with Californication ep. 'The last Waltz'...

Good Luck DD !

He updates his blog:



here: http://duchovnyfiles.blogspot.com/

It's been a long time. Wanted to just reach out and connect with the folks we made the show for and now have made the movie for. Rather than ramble on, why don't you tell me what you'd like to hear about, within reason. I will try to give you insight into this process and the people behind it. Hope it will be fun. Let's go.

Posted by David Duchovny at 12:16 PM,Thursday, June 26, 2008

Now it's our turn DDwatchers...